Seeze is a unique collaboration software that is applied the email usability to the team chat system.

One chat room has one issue

It's hard to work by team chat messaging app. It is difficult to work with your members because many different issues are mixed in one chat room. It's almost impossible to manage the issue's history.

In Seeze, the composed message's subject is one chat room. All reply is separated as thread message according to the written subject.


Selection recipients to be received a compose message

You can select recipients of your composed message. The recipients can be selected by combining your workspace and users.

The combination is easily to delivery your message to the recipients you want.


In order to work with your members, you should invite your members to your workspace.

If your members never has been any relationship, you can invite into workspace through their email address.


Download desktop client

Desktop client versions are available for Windows and Mac OS


Windows 7, 8, 10, 11

  • VERSION: (32-bit)

Macos 11.0.3 over


Download Mobile client

Mobile versions are in App Store and Google Play

App Store Google Play